The research entitled ‘’ adaptation strategies to climate change and variability by farmersinagricultural zone of Niger State, Nigeria” The study was carried out to describe thesocio-economic characteristics of farming households, and to examine how much they knowaboutclimate change and variability, and to ascertain adaptation strategies to climate changeandvariability adopted by them and their perception of its effectiveness. It was also to determinethefactors that influence climate change and variability adaptation strategies adopted byfarminghouseholds and the constraints associated with farming households on the adoption of climatechange and variability adaptation strategies in the study area. Multistage randomsamplingprocedure was used to select a total of 188 respondents for the study based on Yamane formulaof1967. The data were collected through primary source using questionnaire and interviewscheduleand analyzed using percentages, mean scores, Likert type rating scale and Poisson regression. Results showed that majority 88.3% were male, while 11.7% were female; most 83.5%of therespondents were within the age range of 26-50 years, with mean age of 35 years; 35.6%of therespondents were married, while 64.4% were either single or widowed. It was also foundthat thehousehold size of between 6 – 10 had the highest percentage 42.6% with mean score of 5persons, and that 76.6% of the respondent had one form of education or the other. It also affirmedthatmajority of the respondents 90.4% engaged in farming with farming experience of 18yearsandfarm size of 1-5ha. The findings revealed Incident of heavy rainfall that caused damages tocropand livestock production having mean score of (� = 2.71) and decrease in average temperatureamount over the years having the lowest mean score of (�=1.60). It also revealed the hierarchyinadoption of adaptation strategies to climate change and variability with planting earlymaturingvarieties and planting of high yielding varieties were 100% adopted. These variables werecloselyfollowed by use of agro-chemicals and use of manure (organic or inorganic) with 98.9%. Rural –urban migration 44.1%, reduce cultivated farm size 42.0% was least adopted. The result revealedthat planting of early maturing varieties of crop with mean score of (� =4.49), and highyieldingvarieties with mean score of ( � =4.25), were more effective among the adaptationstrategiesadopted by the respondent. While diversifying from farm to non-farm activities (�=2.64), rural-urban migration ( � =2.13) were found not to be effective strategies to mitigate against climatechange and variability. The adaptation strategies adopted by rural farmers was testedfor itseffectiveness using the z-value from Poisson regression analysis. The estimated z –value (1.98) forage was positive and significant at 5% probability level. Education (3.94) was also positiveandsignificant at 1% probability level. Farm size (5.23) was positive and significant at 1%probabilitylevel. In conclusion, adaptation strategies to climate change and variability that were foundtobeeffective was identified and when adapted would reduce effect and impact of climate changeandvariability on farming household. Based on the findings of the study, the followingrecommendations were made, Weather information that is more reliable should be adequatelycommunicated to farmers using right channel, High yielding and early maturing varieties shouldbemade available to farmers at subsidized rate and timely by the releasing institutionsandorganization, Government and non-governmental organization should provide means that areeasyto access soft loans without too much stress and collaterals.
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